Welcome to the UnBOCES SSP Induction Program. Induction is a program mandated by the state of Colorado, which is required of all educators with an initial license in order to attain a professional license. The program is designed to be completed in one school preferably by the end of April.

All educators with an initial license who have NOT completed induction in another Colorado school district are required to participate in the UnBOCES Induction Program, ideally during their first year of employment. The UnBOCES Induction Program requires one school year to complete. 

Key Components of the Induction Program:

Mentoring: Inductees and their mentors interact a minimum of 18 hours (2 hours per month) in collaborative meetings, coaching, observations, professional growth plan review and other relevant collaboration.

Reflection: Monthly written reflections are designed to help service providers become more introspective about their experiences in the classroom, building and district, and their knowledge and understanding of the Quality Service Provider Standards. Reflective practice is emphasized as a tool for service providers to monitor their own progress, initiate change in practice and explore new ways to grow professionally.  

Professional Development:

  • Inductees are required to complete 15 hours of professional development through CDE or another professional organization. I am happy to suggest resources if you'd like help. There is more out there than you may realize.
  • You are required to attend three meetings (video or face to face) in which the SSP induction candidates will gather. Meetings focus on current challenges and best instructional practices. 
  • Another piece of professional development is observations of peers. You will be asked to observe one to two educators during the first semester of the school year. Begin thinking of which professionals within or outside of your school who you would benefit from observing. These educators do not need to teach the same subject as you.

To Begin:

1. Work with your principal to choose a qualified mentor and begin meeting with that mentor. Try and schedule a weekly or biweekly meeting time.Your mentor can work in or out of your district.

2. Email me some dates and times that I can come and meet with you in your classroom. I hope to connect with you BEFORE Sept. 12th.

During our first individual meeting I will bring all the information that you will need to plan out your Induction year.  I will act as a resource and coach within the requirements of the CDE approved Induction Program. I would very much like to meet with you in the next few weeks. I live in Ridgway and can easily come over to meet with you during a planning period or after school.