Guidelines for e-Learning Online: Less may be more

  • Determine a consistent method for collaboration with your team.
  • Remember quality is more important than quantity.
  • Provide projects that include the local community, such as volunteering where needed, mowing lawns, helping at food pantries, helping at local grocery stores
  • Capitalize on the home environment in lesson plans. Reduce screen time and include physical activity as much as possible.
  • Use a checklist that contains all lessons that are expected to be completed each week.
  • Create a collaborative class contract with agreements regarding interaction with peers and teachers in online discussion platforms.
  • Track student progress to ensure participation and check-in with students if students are struggling or non-participatory. Use grace and understanding.
  • Give feedback to students on every assignment - voice and video is best!
  • Email parents a general update a minimum of once a week.


Guidelines for Instruction: Consistency for your learning management system (LMS)

  • Establish daily routines.
  • Provide robust and engaging learning.
  • Design independent learning.
  • Address the emotional toll.
  • Choose tools and stick with them (be careful not to overwhelm your students with too many new tools).


Guidelines for eNetLearning Courses

  • Transitioning to Remote Learning - Discover the art and science behind successful transition to online teaching, with a treasure trove of strategies and resourceful tools at your fingertips.
  • PMIEF: Project Management Toolkit for Teacher – Let us equip you with the best practices and project management skills to share with your students. Whether they're tackling the task of cleaning their room, embarking on a science project, or developing a community service initiative, we can help you guide them to success.
  • Becoming a Facilitating Teacher – Craft a harmonious blend of resources, strategies, and sklls, harnessing their collective power for your newfound role as an online facilitator.
  • Designing Blended Learning – Effortlessly immerse yourself in the art of delivering engaging blended learning classes with ease and flair!
  • The Future of Education – Embark on a journey to shape the future that you are inheriting with our transformative.
  • Educational Leadership in the 21st Century – In these challenging times, we need leaders more than ever - whether they're administrators, technology coordinators, or curriculum developers. Step up and be the guiding force we all need.
  • Student Engagement with One-to-One – Unlock the secrets to highy effective one-to-one learning strategies and discover what makes learners truly engaged and inspired.

Register now for our eNetLearning courses.  We are here to help you.

Your eNetLearning Team



Last modified: Thursday, June 20, 2024, 6:38 AM